Elective in Acute Dental Care

Faculty Contact: Mark Johnson, MD


This elective is best combined with another elective or experience.  The resident should identify 2- 6 half days during the block to work with the dental residents and attendings in the Swedish Community Specialty Clinic

The clinic is typically open Monday – Friday almost every week of the year.  The preferred time of year for residents do their rotations is from November-June so the dental residents are up to speed themselves.  Patients are seen from 8AM – noon and then from noon till 5PM.  Family medicine residents are welcome to rotate in the morning, afternoon or both. 

Goals and Objectives:

1.     Gain a basic understanding of common dental urgencies/emergencies and their treatment  

2.     Gain a basic understanding of head and neck anatomy as it pertains to understanding the spread of infection of odontogenic origin and understand the urgency for treatment of odontogenic infection based on presentation, location and history.

3.     Gain a basic understanding of head and neck anatomy as it pertains to providing local anesthetic to alleviate pain, including:

a.     Anesthetic selection

b.     Provision of infiltrative anesthesia  

c.     Provision of block anesthesia

4.     Understand the basic techniques, including instrumentation, case selection and patient evaluation, involved with providing simple exodontia.

Contact Information:

Contact Dr. Noah Letwin, DDS, PhD

By email:  Noah.letwin@swedish.org

Noah E Letwin DDS PhD
Dental Director
Swedish Community Specialty Clinic
801 Broadway Suite 901
Seattle, WA 98122

Phone (206) 860-6656