Program Chief Resident Eligibility Criteria and Process
1. Resident must be in good academic standing. This includes:
a. No failed rotations
b. Not currently undergoing a supervised learning plan
c. In-service training exam score in R2 year that predicts 90+% likelihood of passing board
2. Resident must have demonstrated ability to effectively work together and communicate with their colleagues and faculty.
3. Resident must meet with his or her faculty advisor to discuss interest in chief position.
4. There must be a third-year resident available to be clinic chief at each site (e.g. can't have two program co-chiefs from Ballard).
5. An election will be held if there are more than 2 interested candidates. The election process:
a. Each candidate must submit a brief summary of why they want to run for Chief Resident and what they hope to bring to the position.
b. All residents will be eligible to vote electronically.
c. Voting will consist of a three point system where the first choice will be given 3 points, second choice given 2 points and third choice given 1 point.
d. The list of candidates will be ranked by total points and presented to faculty, who will break any ties and approve of the chief residents. If there are two or fewer interested candidates, the faculty approval process will occur without an election.