Faculty Coordinator: Jorge Garcia, MD

Leadership requirement SFM

All second and third year residents are required to participate in a medical committee. When possible, R2s will pair with an R3 to join these committees as a team, to allow one resident to miss a meeting when there is a scheduling conflict. Residents will report back to the entire residency by email after these meetings.

Hospital Committees are listed below, and these are the preferred committees for resident participation. (If a resident wants to work with a Medical committee that is not on this list, please communicate with advisors.)

In the first block of the academic year, all residents need to choose one of these committees to join, and plan on participating for two years.  Communicate with your advisor to review which committee you will join, and what you hope to accomplish.

Swedish Hospital Committees June 2015-2016

Contact Jorge Garcia for details


FOCUS: Leadership in direct patient care in Continuity Clinic and hospital settings

1. What do you see as your current strengths in directing patient care?

2. Do you identify any weaknesses in how you lead patients and their families as their physician?

3. Collaboration and Negotiation are important communication skills in direct patient care. What do you need to focus on to build your patient care communication skills?

4. As you progress to R2 year you can be involved in new activities that will build your leadership skills. (Community Medicine, Curriculum Committees, Residency Organization Association, Hospital Committees, Volunteerism in Community) 
5. Reflect on your goals for leadership development as you proceed through residency training.


FOCUS: Leadership in direct patient care
Leadership in teaching/role-modeling on Family Practice Service and other inpatient rotations
Leadership in Administrative/Organized Medicine
Advocacy in Community/Public Health Roles

1. Can you identify your current leadership roles?

2. Are there additional leadership opportunities you are considering?

3. What do you see as your strongest leadership skills?

4. What will help you to round out your leadership abilities? (Communication skills including teaching and presentation, Goal Setting, Planning and Organization, Problem Solving and Team Building, Giving and Getting feedback)

5. Reflect on your progress in leadership development and set goals for continuing this. Growth during your R3 year. What kind of Chief of Service do you want to be? Are you looking at Chief Residency position?


FOCUS: Leadership in direct patient care
Team Leader as Chief of Family Practice Service, Curriculum Chair, Pod Leader
Leadership in Teaching/Role-Modeling/Mentoring
Chief Resident Leadership Roles
Leadership in Administrative/Organized Medicine
Advocacy in Community/Public Health Roles

1. Identify your current leadership style. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

2. To maximize your effectiveness as a leader, what do you need to do and how can the residency help?

3. As you prepare for life after residency what leadership roles do you envision? 

Swedish Hospital Committees List [requirement for senior residents] 


The resident will actively engage one of our core communities as physician educator and leader.


1)  Medical Knowledge

        The resident will learn how to assess community needs.

        The resident will learn leadership skills to be applied in patient communities and medical societies.

        The resident will learn to be advocacy skills in local government, and in local and national medical societies.


2)  Patient Care:

        The resident will exercise the skills in thinking about and caring for patient communities, rather than individuals in clnic.

        The resident will gain competence in providing medical education to populations for whom English is not a first language.

3)  Interpersonal and Communication Skills

        The resident will gain competence in communicating with representatives and lobbyists.

4)  Professionalism.

Residents will become leaders in Family Medicine while working with communities and with professional societies.

5) Systems-based Practice
        Residents will work with larger communities to help effect broad level changes in patient health.

Reviewed and Updated: 5/11/2017

Effective: 6/25/2017-06/24/2018