Faculty Coordinator: Joe Breuner

The obstetrics area of concentration at Swedish Family Medicine Residency provides additional training in normal and high-risk obstetrics.

Residents work one month at a time in both their second and third years at one of three rotation sites. The three rotation sites are: Birth and Family Medicine in Edmonds, WA with Dr Marci Nelson, Family Health Centers in Brewster, WA with Dr Jimmy Wallace, and a high volume site still to be determined.

In addition, residents concentrating in Obstetrics participate in 10 OB Fellowship teaching conferences in advanced obstetrics in a longitudinal fashion throughout the year. Relevant portions of Williams and Gabbe texts in obstetrics, ACOG practice bulletins, Up-to-date monographs, and current journal articles are reviewed to expand the residents' obstetric fund of knowledge. The google calendar describing this schedule can be found here:https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=j3ir1rlrip5pff039d6p1cu5ps%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles

Lastly, residents choosing this area of concentration will be expected to help teach workshops and possibly present at our annual March Ob High-Risk Obstetrics for the Family Physician conference.

Reviewed and Updated: 5/12/2015, Joe Breuner

Effective: 6/25/2016 - 6/24/2017