Faculty Coordinators: Joe Breuner, MD and Pat Gemperline, MD
R3 OB Chiefs for First Hill: Max Weston, MD
R3 OB chiefs for Cherry Hill: Andrea Bachhuber-Beam, MD and Jessica Price, MD
Number of night and day calls will be divided evenly between the 4-5 residents on each rotation. Cherry Hill Residents split one position with their maternal child rotation.
Complete competency testing in FSE/IUPC/vag delivery, episiotomy repair, fetal heart monitoring, and PPROM triage eval. turn in your procedure competency card to Joe at the end of the rotation.
Daily schedule:
Arrive by 6:00 to round on your antepartum patients and write a daily progress note by 7:30. Review this note with the OB fellow 7:45. Be ready for teaching, rounds or Sim center training as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:30 am teaching 5SW conf room. Topics for individual days are assigned by the ob fellow, so when you sign up for your day you will sign up for a topic as well.
Teaching Schedule: 7:30 every morning 5SW conference room:
Mondays: OB Fellow/pb r1
Tuesdays: Peds newborn care by Dr Uman or OB teaching Camille Fleming
Wednesdays: Pat and Joe
Thursdays conferences
Fridays: Kevin Wang/Mary Puttman-Kostecka
First two shifts covered by R2 buddy:
A Cherry Hill or First Hill R2 will take call with you during your first two 12 hour call shifts. They will help you prioritize triage visits, laboring patients and antepartum admissions. During slow times, they will teach you in the competency testing topics listed above so that you can pass the competency tests by Friday (day 9) of the rotation. We expect you to look forward to your schedule to make sure you take and pass the tests by day 9.
First Hill Ob Senior R2 on first two weeks of each block:
They will be present Mon-Fri 7 am to 3 pm and will help you be in the right place at the right time
They will also get you signed off on your competency cards.
Spare days:
Some days each week you'll be free from clinic or labor and delivery call responsibilities. Please engage in the following activities during that time:
Learn competency skills from the following materials in the S drive and your R2 [See File below for R1 Competency Skills]. We expect you to pass tests in these four areas by day 9 of the rotation. The tests are included in the teaching materials folder.
1. FSE/IUPC/normal vag delivery
2. episiotomy repair
3. fetal heart rate monitoring
4. PPROM admit
We will assign you: a fixed half day with Health Care For Women, fixed time in the Lytle Ccenter with lactation consultant, and antepartum provider day assisting OB fellow in managing antepartum.
Lists are attached below. The OB R1 panel is referred to as blue team and includes country doctor/ICHS deliveries. Our service provides newborn care to those attendings as well, this is new this year.
Patient safety limit: if you are managing 4 patients in active labor, please ask the next laboring patient to be cared for directly by their ob panel attending, or, if it's a family medicine teaching panel patient can admit to the group health purple team resident on call. panel attendings understand that it is more important to follow 2-4 patients well than 8 patients poorly.
RRC Requirements (no longer include delivery numbers):
This experience must include a structured curriculum in prenatal, intra-partum and post-partum care. (Core)
Programs should provide an experience in prenatal care, labor management, and in delivery management. Some of the maternity experience should include the prenatal, delivery and postnatal care of the same patient in a continuity care relationship. (Core)
Residents must document 200 hours of labor and delivery experience, or two months dedicated to participating in deliveries, and providing prenatal care and post-partum care.
Must demonstrate competence in their ability to provide maternity care, including:
Distinguishing abnormal and normal pregnancies; (Outcome)
Caring for common medical problems arising from pregnancy or coexisting with pregnancy and assisting a patient experiencing a spontaneous precipitous
birth; (Outcome)
Demonstrating basic skills in managing obstetrical emergencies.
Calling in Sick
1st: The other R1s on the team are asked if they could cover the shift (if at all possible, the sick R1 should take one of the covering R1's shifts later in the month). Please make sure you request a shift swap in AMION so it is accurately reflected. Let the OB Chiefs know that a schedule change has been made; e-mail is fine.
2nd: Each program relies on its own goat system to staff the shift. Call your OB Chief (names above) to help you facilitate the coverage.
For First Hill residents:
If a day shift needs to be covered, the First Hill clinic goat will be asked to cover.
If a night shift needs to be covered, the Family Medicine service goat will be asked to cover.
For Cherry Hill Residents:
There are 2 options, the first being that they exchange and the second that they use the "At Risk" R1
Required readings:
Reviewed and Updated: 5/31/2016, Joe Breuner
Effective: 6/25/15 to 6/24/17