Faculty Coordinator: Jorge Garcia, MD
Wednesday AM
John D. Burgoyne, MD
Seattle Head & Neck Plastic Surgeons
515 Minor Ave. Ste. 140
Seattle, WA 98104-2122
Ph: 206 682-6103
Fax: 206 682-3012
Please contact Debbie Perdue with any questions. Email: debbie.perdue@minorandjames.com
Office contact: April 206-682-6103
Dr. Burgoyne is available to work with residents. Residents interested in this elective experience should communicate with Dr Burgoyne, their faculty advisor and the residency admin office at least three months in advance of the first day of elective to establish a schedule.
The resident will become more familiar with common primary care ENT conditions.
1) Medical Knowledge
The resident will be able to accurately diagnose and treat:
Ear pain
Otitis media and externa
Hearing loss
2) Patient Care:
The resident will be able to educate patients effectively on ENT conditions
The resident will be competent in effective use of consultant ENT providers
3) Interpersonal and Communication Skills
The resident will be competent in communicating with consultants and patients
The resident will be able to painlessly remove impacted cerumen
The resident will be able to remove foreign bodies from ear canal
4) Professionalism
Take initiative to prepare for ENT rotation with reading materials outlined on the website.
Accept responsibility for continuity of care.
Reading list prior to rotation:
Otalgia in AAFP: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2008/0301/p621.html
Otitis in AAFP: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2012/1201/p1055.html
Hearing loss in AAFP: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2003/0915/p1125.html
Reviewed and Updated 5/2017, Jorge Garcia
Effective: 6/25/2017 - 6/24/2018