Faculty Coordinator: Ben Davis, MD


Charles J. Lee, M.D.

Pulmonary Disease

Critical Care


Primary Clinic:

The Polyclinic Madison Center
904 7th Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
Ph: 206 860-4678

Fax: 206 325-6910

Email:  charles.lee@polyclinic.com

Jessie Hirsch CMA (Dr. Lee's assistant) can be contacted at

Jessie.hirsch@polyclinic.com or 206-860-4678

Tuesday 10 A.M. start time

*Please note that Dr. Lee takes Tuesdays off occasionally if he was on call on Sunday.  If he is not available, you can work with his partner Dr. Roper.

Dr. Lee is available to work with residents on Tuesdays.  Residents interested in this elective experience should communicate with Jessie and their faculty advisor at least three months in advance of the first day of elective to establish a schedule.  


The resident will become more familiar with common primary care pulmonary conditions.


Medical Knowledge

        1.  The resident will know how to diagnose and manage common lung problems, including

Patient Care:

        1.  The resident will be able to educate patients effectively on lung problems

    2.  The resident will know when to order PFTs and how to interpret the results

        3.  The resident will be competent in effective use of consultant pulmonologists

Interpersonal and Communication Skills

        1.  The resident will be competent in communicating with consultants and patients


    1.  Take initiative to prepare for pulmonology rotation with reading materials outlined on the website.

    2.  Accept responsibility for continuity of care.

Reading List:

Reviewed and Updated 07/2018, Ben Davis

Effective through June 2019