Faculty Coordinator: Kevin Wang, MD


Swedish First Hill Family Medicine understands the importance of family planning and reproductive health in any community.  Our residency program offers training with community providers to gain further knowledge in family planning and procedures related to reproductive health so our residents can provide this very important aspect of reproductive health.  We have opportunities available in the Seattle area for you to pursue.  

The area of concentration focuses on additional nonclinical experiences including community outreach and advocacy.

Goals & Objectives

This area of concentration will provide you with additional clinical opportunities to gain further experiences in providing reproductive health care to your patients both in a clinical and nonclinical setting.

Clinical setting (see reproductive health elective information)

  • Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands

  • Cedar River Clinics

  • All Women's Health

Nonclinical setting


    • CREATE stands for Continuing Reproductive Education for Advanced Training Efficacy.  it's a structured curriculum to address the barriers between training and future reproductive health provisions.

    • Swedish Family Medicine - First Hill is part of a collaboration with Swedish Family Medicine - Cherry Hill, University of Washington and Kaiser Washington which allows opportunities to network with other reproductive health providers.

    • We meet 4 times per year with one meeting scheduled during a Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) cluster meeting in Seattle, WA.

    • This isn't a requirement to complete the reproductive health elective although it will help if we have many residents interested in reproductive health training to maximize the experience.

  • Journal club with Swedish Family Medicine - Cherry Hill

    • Kevin will send out emails to the program for dates and journal club articles reviewed in conjunction with Swedish Cherry Hill led by Dr. Jen Flament.

Rotation Milestones

  1. Patient Care

    • PC-1 & PC-3: Learn to provide patient-centered and quality care through partnership with patients to counsel, inform, educate and support people in family planning and reproductive health

    • PC-5: Gain competence in performing appropriate procedures to meet the reproductive needs of patients, i.e. counseling on family planning, prescribing of birth control, IUD/Nexplanon insertions, medication and surgical abortions and other procedures

  2. Medical Knowledge

    • MK-1 & MK-2: Demonstrate appropriate knowledge about family planning relative to current level of training

  3. Systems-Based Practice

    • SBP-2: Emphasize patient safety following appropriate clinical guidelines and protocols

    • SBP-4: Continue building skills to work with the healthcare team

  4. Practice-Based Learning & Improvement

    • PBL-2: Engage in self-directed learning and demonstrate abilities to acquire new skills in family planning and reproductive health

  5. Professionalism

    • PROF-2 & PROF-3: Learn professional expectations while demonstrating compassion/respect/empathy towards patients and presents in a respectful & professional manner while attending all duties/responsibilities 

  6. Communication

    • C-1, C-2 & C-3: Develop meaningful, therapeutic relationships with patients while communicating effectively with patients and the healthcare team

Application Requirements

Any resident in the Swedish First Hill Family Medicine Residency Program can participate in the Reproductive Health Area of Concentration so long as they meet these criteria:

  • Must be in good standing in the residency program meeting all core competency requirements.

  • Must be on track to meet the required number of outpatient clinic visits, OB continuity deliveries and other ACGME requirements.

  • Must obtain approval from your advisor to participate in this Area of Concentration.

Requirements for Completion of the Reproductive Health Area of Concentration

To successfully complete the Reproductive Health AOC, residents must do the following:

  • Participate in CREATE by attending 3 meetings in your R2/R3 years 

  • Participation in CREATE does require that you help plan one of the meetings along with completion of a project related to reproductive health

  • Attend reproductive health journal clubs held by Swedish Family Medicine - Cherry Hill

In addition to participation with the CREATE curriculum, you must also do the following:

  • Participate in a reproductive health journal club with the Swedish Cherry Hill Family Medicine Residency Program

  • Complete at least 1 additional elective in reproductive health

  • Participate in any community outreach or advocacy efforts with WAFP, ACOG, AAFP, Planned Parenthood or other local/national organizations

You must complete all of these requirements in order to receive your certificate in this Area of Concentration.

Supplemental readings/resources

Reviewed and Updated 6/12/2018, Kevin Wang

Effective: 6/25/2018 - 6/24/2019