Faculty Coordinator: Karl Dietrich, MD
2-3 months in advance of your elective:
contact Karl for a menu document* with the preceptors who are interested in teaching for this elective
Draft your own schedule based on the menu* of options, choosing the preceptors with whom you are most interested in working. Schedule 4-5 half- days of elective time and 4-5 half-days in your continuity clinic**
Contact the provider (or their designated contact) and request the days you would like to work with them.
Notify Liz and the clinic chiefs of your schedule
If you need to cancel a ½ day at any time, be sure to let the preceptors know.
Bring an evaluation with you to at least one preceptor during your rotation
Please let me know if you have any questions, problems or advice for this rotation.
Per Dr Michael Erickson: you are welcome to work with Dr Mike Erikson if you are interested in doing the sports med fellowship after graduation.
**There are many options for this elective, below are some options. (4-5 1/2 days should be clinic)
The sports medicine elective can serve as a compliment to the other learning opportunities residents have to learn MSK / sports medicine. Family Physicians are well positioned to be involved in the physical well being of their patients. Knowledge about musculoskeletal conditions allows a family physician to assist patients throughout their lives to stay physically active.
Through a two year longitudinal curriculum, residents will become competent to diagnose, treat and manage musculoskeletal conditions that present to primary care. The sports medicine elective can help you augment and fill in the gaps of your MSK knowledge.
During this rotation residents will:
1. Learn essential orthopedic anatomy, the building blocks of assessing musculoskeletal complaints
2. Be familiar with common musculoskeletal conditions, learn to recognize common presentations.
3. Be aware of conditions that require emergent evaluation or treatment
4. Know which exams are appropriate for the complaint
5. Evaluate and treat medical conditions related to sports medicine
By the end of the family medicine residency, the family medicine resident should be able to demonstrate competency in the following areas:
1) Medical Knowledge
Properly assess common musculoskeletal complains as listed in AAFP MSK competencies
Perform a pre-participation physical exam
Identify “red flag”, time sensitive or critical conditions
Correctly assess common medical conditions associated with sports medicine
Identify common radiological signs and conditions
2) Patient Care
Use patient information materials appropriately
Describe appropriate exercise regiments to patients
Perform basic orthopedic procedures
Perform basic casting and splinting
3) Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people from patients and their families, including those on athletic teams, to coaches and trainers.
Collaborate with orthopedic specialists, physical therapists, and other health care professionals
4) Professionalism
Take initiative to prepare for orthopedic rotation with reading materials outlined on the website.
Accept responsibility for continuity of care including developing plans with physical therapists, following up on imaging studies and other test results.
5) Systems-Based Practice
Demonstrate ability to recognize practice limitations
Appropriately utilize published medical literature to provide high quality care
Make appropriate referrals to orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists.
6) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Formulate an accurate differential diagnosis and synthesize an evidence-based treatment and/or ongoing management plan for common sports medicine problems and conditions.
Effective: 7/1/16-7/1/18